Do you sometimes feel like you're not making the most out of your life? Then read on.
Sometimes there is no skipping around the subject.
If you are spending a lot of your day/ week/month/year doing things you would prefer not to – you need to ask yourself are you wasting your gifts, your talents, your time?
Life should be fun, interesting and purposeful with things to look forward to and excite you.
Yes, there are ups and downs but overall - do you feel that you are moving forward with meaningfulness and purpose?
Here are some common signs which may be indicators, that you can get more out of life.
Be mindful of these 5 signs:
Do you procrastinate too much?
If you're spending a lot of time doing things which don't really produce much of an outcome in your overall life. I'm thinking of - scrolling the net, playing video games, or watching TV, you might be wasting your time. It's not that these activities are bad, and can be great in moderation but if you're using them to dodge things you should be doing, it might be a problem. People who aren't happy with their situation often become pros at procrastinating. These types of activities allow them to escape the boredom or frustration of every day life.
You lack long-term goals that are motivating and exciting.
If you don't have any long-term goals for what you want your life to look like, it's like you're just drifting through life. Your life is happening randomly. You're not living life intentionally (you'll see I talk a lot about deliberately creating your life - I'm fan of this!)
You can't really make any big changes or progress - if you don't know where you're going and so have no plan of how to get there. This brings us to the next points.
You’re feeling low or depressed
If you feel like there's nothing exciting on the horizon and you can't see any opportunities for yourself, it might bring your mood down. One reason could be that you're not happy with where your life is heading. It's totally normal to feel down if you're not mostly happy with your life or think you have no options.
But also please remember, there are lots of reasons your mood can dip, and it's always a good idea to check in with your doctor if you're feeling low or depressed.
You don’t try anything new
If you're always sticking to your comfort zone, it might be because you're dealing with the feeling of not being a content as you'd like to be. And any new challenges you may feel will create extra stress. A way to cope can be by staying where you feel safe and doing things that seem familiar and secure.
You avoid others
If you are not happy with areas of your life, you may feel embarrassed by what’s going on. We all want to feel successful and if we don’t, it may be hard when we are around other people who seem to be living life to the max. It can be another reminder to us that we aren’t where we wish we were.
But also remember appearances can be deceiving, all is not always what it seems, especially when it comes to social media. People are mainly presenting their "best bits", "their highlights."
Everyone has their highs and lows and there are ways to improve things if that what you want.
This blog is quite a tough one to get into words, it feels harsh to point out some of the signs. But when you're in it, you're often not aware. It just becomes the norm.
This blog is a reminder to take regular reflections on how you are feeling and what you are doing and whether you are happy.
No one likes feeling like they're wasting their time or talents, but once you admit you're not living the way you truly want to, you can make a change.
The good news!!
You have a choice do you carry on the same way or do you start to make changes.
It's up to you! You are the ONLY person that can make that decision. If you do want to make a change. What’s the point in wasting another day, week, month . . . Make today the day you begin to move forward towards a life that is meaningful and interesting to you.
Maximise your potential!
What small step can you take today towards a life that brings you more fun and purpose. (Here's some ideas)
If you'd like some support, strategy and motivation around living life intentional then join the Boost Newsletter.
I'm also so excited to be running an in-person Goal Setting and Vision Board workshop for women. If you're based near Manchester, UK come and join us on 18 January 2025 - here's the Eventbrite details. Come and intentional plan out your 2025 the way you would love it to be.
Kay x
Supporting women to move from feeling stuck and overwhelmed in their lives to designing & achieving their goals, dreams and ambitions. For more info on bringing positive change into your life –www.kaymalcolmcoaching.comÂ